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The Green Life: Tapping Into Water Trends

« Daily Tip : July 16, 2007 | Main | Daily Tip : July 17, 2007 »

July 16, 2007

Tapping Into Water Trends

In San Francisco, the bottled-water backlash has already begun: hot local restaurants are taking the expensive, environmentally damaging item off their menus and replacing it Getyourfillwith house-carbonated tap water, while Mayor Gavin Newsom has banned the use of city money to buy bottled water. Now New Yorkers are being blanketed with ads promoting the city's tap water as a "cool," "healthy" drink with "zero calories" that's "great on the go."

If this campaign works, how about similar ads touting the benefits of other green behaviors like taking the bus ("you + a good book = a happy commute" and "kiss road-rage goodbye") or hanging out laundry on a clothesline (a "meditative," "free" way to "get a tan while taking care of chores")? If you had a big ad agency--and budget--at your disposal, what ecofriendly habits would you promote and how?

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