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The Green Life: Green Your Future: National Park Gigs

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March 07, 2012

Green Your Future: National Park Gigs

Zion National Park_iStock_000019410381XSmallWhat's in your future? Whether you decide to spend the summer traveling, learning green job skills, or cultivating sustainable habits, the choices you make today could change the course of your life. This week, we've got tips to help you pave a path to a greener future.

Tip #3: Work in a Park

Imagine spending the entire summer in Yellowstone, Yosemite, the Rocky Mountains or the Grand Canyon. The National Parks Service has hundreds of job and internship listings for park rangers, guides, science techs, and seasonal maintenance workers. If you're wondering what it would be like to live in a park, read our Year in Yosemite series, written by resident blogger Jamie Simons.

Find more green internships at camps, ranches, and resorts at CoolWorks

 photo by iStockphoto/milehightraveler

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